Tuesday 23 June 2015

The ultimate debate Android v/s Windows

Android v/s Windows

Umpteen times new and confused buyers of smartphones ask this question whether choose android as everyone or trust windows, the relatively new player in this domain. Zillion articles exist in the website defending their opinion about android and windows and simultaneously cross talk about other O.S. just to prove their point. In reality even good old  Symbian is still competent enough to be debated.
of the websites and so called “Reviewers” on various forums are nothing but geeks who read articles and post their common points all over the slideshows. This article is based on true first hand experiences with both platforms over a year and is told with a perspective of an ordinary medium to heavy user.

Android: Jack of all trades

Unquestionably never ever in the history of smartphones and PDA’S has a single O.S. dominated and eliminated every other competitor in the market. Android is and I hope so shall remain the king of smartphones in the near future. Android’s got several things right in the first place: It is customizable to an extent of wet clay, Is very lenient on hardware specifications, has an army of some of the best app developers in the world, mammoth sized app store and open source. Manufacturers can customize it with a layer of their Home grown user interface and make it more lucrative, efficient or slow as hell.

Android was started as an open source (hopefully still is) project developed on Linux platform. Google very cleverly tailor-made applications and services around the platform and called it Google Android. There is a subtle distinction between the two, the Google Android comes loaded with playstore and Gmail, YouTube apps and plenty of other services. Almost all devices we use run Google android and not stock one. Stock one is a completely different animal and you might not like it the way Google android is loved by millions of users. Examples of stock android phones are Nokia X series and cheap Chinese Smart phones. 


My first android experience:

My first android phone was Sony Xperia E1 which had 512 Mb of RAM and ran on  Qualcomm MSM8210 Snapdragon 200. It was a great phone for me because my earlier phones were Symbian and java. Although I couldn't experiment much on it because of lesser RAM availability.The greatest advantage of any android cell is its highly customizable leaving behind every other OS.

Windows: Sleek, stylish, smooth, shiny, sombre. 

Windows existed well before android came for mobile devices. Most of the eBooks and PDA’s used windows phone OS on their devices.  For those who don’t know windows phone OS looked like windows Xp shrunk starved and beaten to fit a 3 inch screen. However it was light, efficient and people still had their emails on live.com and outlook.com. 
Time passed away like sand and windows devices soon found themselves side-lined by the legendary BlackBerry phones and iPhones. The final nail in the coffin was the emergence of android phones. It was now slaggy, ran an ancient user interface which required you to use a toothpick on the screen and daily chores became needling like your old grandma on a woollen sweater.  Cut to present and developers at Microsoft decided that they had enough of ridicules directed at them and came with windows phone 7 which took the mobile world by storm. Honestly in my opinion the Metro UI is the best user interface you can get right now out of the box. The colourful tiles amaze you like a child amazed with a candy, everything is accessed by maximum of three swipes, is super velvety smooth and light on resources. Microsoft deliberately selected few manufacturers to build windows devices so as to control their hardware specifications and hoodwinked nokia to kill Mee-go and Symbian in favour of Windows phone 7.Now since Microsoft engulfed Nokia to own a hardware partner, windows phone sales have increased by leaps and bounds considering the popularity android enjoys among its users. App store is regularly updated and the operating system is even more killer with 8.1 upgrade even planned to a windows 10 update.
You get a phone that rarely hangs in its lifetime, is hardware easy, battery sipper and pleasant to the eyes if you decide to get a Microsoft .

Now the million dollar argument: Which one is better for me?

Various answers exist according to the type of users we have, and I list some of them below

Light users who own a smartphone just to flaunt them or do stuff like watching YouTube and checking emails definitely go for windows. Applications are not an issue for them and since windows phones consume less battery and are sleek to use, windows phones are a go-go. 

Heavy users who spend their day on xda developers and love to tinker smartphones every single day simply go for android. The various mods and custom ROM’s available makes android highly customizable and laughs in the face of more rigid and conservative windows phone 8.1 . Root it, customize the UI, install custom ROM’s or overclock the processor unit, android allows you infinite ways to tinker and shape it according to your needs.

Medium users, like me are a confused lot. To them I say that it is upon your perspective. An android runs on various hardware combinations and hence the performance varies with each manufacturer, each update and each model and price rate. Even simple things like camera is different on each device.
Applications is where android is clearly ahead, and compared to android windows phone store looks like a graveyard. That means no fully fledged editing apps or  custom music players. All government applications and tools do come first on android and updates lazily come on windows after another update has been launched on android. Examples include Whatsapp calling feature and not even an Instagram application. Enough said..
Day to day usage is windows fort with each and every feature available within three swipes. Its colourful, blingy, and amazingly fast. With Microsoft’s hardware administration now it runs on specific hardware combinations and hence more efficient.

Still Confused :
Forget everything and get an iPhone :)

Do comment below for your queries :) 




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